Growing Bank Expedites Loan Application Processing in 20-Plus Branches
2 min read
• A growing bank’s acquisitions led to many ways of managing documents.
• Locating missing information resulted in wasted time.
• Laserfiche helped to centralize information and save time searching for documents.
• Laserfiche automated loan applications eliminated repetitive tasks and accelerated the process.
• Bank employees have immediate document access from any of the bank’s branches.
For this bank, growing from a startup with less than 10 employees to a bank with multiple acquisitions and 250 staff came with a challenge.
“The banks we bought all had different ways of managing documents — some of them used paper files, while others had software in place,” said one of the bank’s assistant vice presidents. “As a result, we spent a lot of time calling other branches to locate missing information.”

Having disparate approaches was a liability to bank operations and client service. New account applications had to be mailed or faxed from branch offices to the main office, resulting in lost documents — and wasted time.
“We wanted a centralized system to house our information,” the AVP said. “We needed something that would be fully functional across all departments and locations.”
The organization found Laserfiche document management software. “We chose Laserfiche for its flexibility. We like that the system can be used by all our employees while still being customized to fit specific departmental needs.”
Streamling Loan Application and Approval Paperwork
“Our top goal was that loan application processing or opening a new account wouldn’t take forever,” said the AVP.
Using Laserfiche, the bank automated the processing of new accounts and loans:
- The customer fills out and submits new account paperwork, which can include signature cards, credit card applications and online banking enrollment forms.
- A personal banker scans the documents into Laserfiche.
- A customer data specialist enters important document metadata into Laserfiche, such as name, account number and Tax ID.
- Laserfiche automatically routes the documents to the appropriate department for review and approval.
- The department marks the document as approved, rejected or still in process, and the customer receives notification of the decision.
“This process saves time on administrative tasks and provides immediate document access from any of the bank’s branches. For example, if a customer questions a check, the signature card can quickly be found in Laserfiche and a copy of the signature can be instantly retrieved for verification.
“Every department wants Laserfiche,” the AVP added. “They all have different ideas about what they want to do with Laserfiche.”