How Halquist Stone’s Automated Processes Created a Culture of Efficiency

2 min read

Halquist Stone is one of the largest stone quarries in the Midwest, manufacturing and selling natural stone products nationwide. The company’s expertise spans materials used across all types of residential, commercial and landscaping projects—from the walls of castle-inspired homes to rocks that populate zoo habitats.

Generating sales orders for the organization’s diverse range of products requires the cooperation of several departments, which are often spread across seven geographically separated manufacturing facilities.

Out of the Stone Age

“Our old sales order process really came out of the ’50s,” says Wade Balson, CFO at Halquist Stone Co. Employees used carbon paper to make copies that then had to be sent to manufacturing, distribution, sales and accounting to be processed. “The supervisors at all the different locations were spending two to three hours a day manually inputting data—that left them 15 hours a week off of the manufacturing floor, where they need to oversee the product actually being made, making sure it’s getting done correctly, making sure people are doing their jobs.”

In order to continue serving a growing customer base across the country, the company needed to reclaim supervisor time.

Into the Future

Halquist Stone used Laserfiche to automate the sales order process, eliminating manual data entry and the many spreadsheets that previously burdened supervisors. Supervisors now enter orders on iPads, and information is automatically routed to the relevant departments to be processed. Additionally, customers can easily change or cancel orders via an online Laserfiche form, and supervisors can see the change or cancellation immediately after it is submitted.

Balson estimates that the company saw a return on its Laserfiche investment in under a year of using the software. “ROI numbers just skyrocketed from there,” Balson adds. “Now we’re automating more processes with Laserfiche, and finding more ways to use it. That just increases my return exponentially.” Benefits include:

  • Supervisors save between two and three hours a day, adding up to about $115,000 of savings
  • The company’s processes are more transparent, improving accountability
  • Employees can immediately find information when needed

“The more that we’re embracing it, the faster and better everybody’s going to be,” Balson says. “It’s completely changed the entire culture of our company.”

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