Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies Improved Data Accessibility for More Informed Decision Making

2 min read
  • Financial Services
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Document & Records Management

By simplifying its processes and making better, data-driven decisions, the group of insurance carriers elevates the experience it provides for employees and customers alike.


Our focus is to provide worker’s compensation insurance products across a wide variety of industries. Our primary responsibility there is providing our policy holders with the products that they need and providing our injured workers with compassionate care, helping them to get healthy and back to work. You know, we want to give our customers tomorrow more value than they have today, so it’s about continually releasing products, giving them what they need as quickly as possible.

We’ve gone through a lot of growth over the last eight years and as the organization scaled, we realized we weren’t staying current in a lot of our technologies so we had to go out and find a document management solution for the company.

I was really looking at a document management system that was secure, stable and had the ability to scale. We took a look at Laserfiche from a technology standpoint and it fit nicely in the tech stack that we have, but we also like the fact that, from an enterprise perspective, we’re going to be able to grow and expand our Laserfiche footprint into other areas of the company, so really it has the ability to become an enterprise-class product. Right now we are using Laserfiche as a document management repository for all of our policy and underwriting applications.

Finance certainly uses it, marketing, loss control. This platform has a lot of features and functionality than the previous one. Already, some of the feedback from the users is, “Wow there’s a lot more to do here. It’s a lot more powerful.”

Laserfiche provides us with a secure and stable platform; its something that’s going to allow us to grow. It’s going to scale with us as we continue to scale as an organization and it’s really going to enable us to have a single enterprise document management system that we’re able to extract good data and information out of so that we can make better decisions for our customers moving forward.

Digital transformation is something that a lot of companies are faced with right now. For us it’s taking at the tools and technology that we use, getting on to consistent, consolidated platforms, leveraging common technology and technology stacks that developers want to develop in so we’re moving to a bunch more current technologies.

So as an injured worker is injured, we want to make that process, you know, it’s new for them, it’s something that they’re unsure of. How can we give better tools, better features,better functionality to our injured workers to that we can make the overall process easier for them so that their focus is on, “how do I get better, how do I get healthy, how do I return to work quicker” and not on, you know, “when am I getting my check, where is my claim status, you know, where is my doctor’s appointment.” Being able to provide these things and make that easy for them there are less things that they have to worry about.

Explore additional insights on the Laserfiche insurance solutions page:

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