Do more with Laserfiche
Powering Payroll in a Time of Crisis
Discover how the human resources and payroll teams for the third largest school district in Texas remotely accessed and routed documentation to ensure employees were paid during a natural disaster.

Access Content from Anywhere
Enable anytime access to content, data and processes with Laserfiche Cloud. Built on AWS’s robust infrastructure, Laserfiche Cloud has systems replicated across availability zones for maximum accessibility, even during unexpected disruptions.

Ensure Data Security and Privacy
Keep data protected with robust encryption that secures information sent over public networks. With features that help you set access rights to sensitive documents and share files securely with others, Laserfiche gives you peace of mind throughout the workday.

Stay in Contact with Customers
Give those your organization serves a seamless customer experience from the start. Build online portals to facilitate customer requests from anywhere and use process automation tools to keep customers informed every step of the way.

Featured Success Story
A Quick Shift to Remote Learning
Learn how Laserfiche provided staff at Linn-Benton Community College access to the information, systems and processes they needed to keep business moving and manage classes remotely.

Featured Resource
The Ultimate Guide to Business Continuity
Discover the tools and strategies to keep your business moving at all times, in any situation, on any device.
Contactez-nous pour vos besoins en ECM
Que vous ayez des questions sur le produit, des besoins d’assistance, ou en vue de notre collaboration, nous sommes là pour vous aider dans votre parcours de transformation numérique. Remplissez le formulaire et un membre de l’équipe Laserfiche vous contactera dès que possible.