Laserfiche Aspire

Your one-stop-shop for Laserfiche educational resources.

Video Library
Interactive Learning Modules
Laserfiche Certification Courses
Guides and Workshops
Benefits of Aspire
  • Frequently updated content.
  • Comprehensive learning search.
  • Personalized account and transcript.

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Free e-Learning Videos To Help You Work Smarter With Laserfiche

We’re here for your success. Learn how to use Laserfiche to maximize your organizations potential. Below are some of the most popular training videos you can find on Aspire, your one-stop-shop for Laserfiche educational resources.

What Are You Waiting For?

Activating your free account is easy. If you have a Support Site account, simply click Activate Account. If you do not have a Support Site account, you will be prompted to register for one before activating your Aspire account.