Look out! (& up!) It’s a new API to sync your enterprise Lookup Tables data programmatically

Look out! (& up!) It’s a new API to sync your enterprise Lookup Tables data programmatically

Store millions of data points and leverage them across real-time forms lookups and process automation, while enabling your organization’s support for tens of thousands of customers, product SKU’s, parts lists, billing codes, and more. Have lots of records and want to pre-populate form data based on an ID number? Enhanced Lookup Tables and our Lookup Tables API makes this easier than ever – see how it works.

Please join us:
Date: February 12, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PST (America/Los Angeles)
Duration: 1 hour

Discover Latest Insurance Priorities: Embrace the Power of Process Automation

Discover Latest Insurance Priorities: Embrace the Power of Process Automation

The insurance industry has embraced digital technology in pursuit of gaining a competitive edge. Despite ongoing economic uncertainties and various significant challenges, insurers and their distribution channels are currently grappling with disruptions. These disruptions encompass a rise in claims and incurred costs, as well as a surge in operational expenses. Given these evolving circumstances, insurance leaders must remain adaptive and flexible with a steadfast commitment to digital transformation.

Join us for a panel of industry experts who will unveil the latest Digital Insurance survey findings. These insightful discoveries shed light on how technology and operational leaders at insurance carriers are strategically redefining the priorities of digital transformation and shaping the new normal.

Topics covered in this webinar include:

  • The critical business priorities that are driving the state of insurance digital transformation
  • How to navigate common pain points related to process automation  
  • The best strategies for technology adoption across your organization
  • How other insurance firms are demonstrating ROI with digital transformation
Please join us on demand
Duration: 1 hour

Laserfiche Integrations

Laserfiche Integrations

Curious about what integrations Laserfiche offers? Confused on which of the many integration offerings you should use in which situation? Join us to answer these questions and learn about the latest and greatest Laserfiche integrations!

We’ll cover: 

  • How to leverage the API and the latest exciting updates
  • Direct integrations like web request rules, Microsoft integrations and more   
  • Leveraging the Laserfiche Marketplace and iPaaS integrations
  • Low-code integration tools like robotic process automation and Connector
Please join us on demand
Duration: 75 minutes

Build a Seamless, Integrated New Account Opening Solution with Laserfiche

Build a Seamless, Integrated New Account Opening Solution with Laserfiche

Opening a new account has traditionally been a cumbersome process within the financial services sector, burdened by paperwork and time-consuming steps. Firms have sought to improve this process by either building their own workflows with existing technology tools or deploying new point solutions. However, these approaches often lack the true automation needed, as they involve manual and repetitive procedures and are disconnected among line-of-business systems.

Join this complimentary webinar to discover an end-to-end integrated solution for new account opening using Laserfiche process automation, coupled with integration tools that enhance the client experience, reduce operational costs, and address compliance challenges.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Trends for the new account opening process in the wealth management industry.
  • A live demonstration of an automated new account opening solution in Laserfiche.  
  • Real-world use cases from the global Laserfiche financial services community.
  • A live Q&A session.
Please join us on demand:
Duration: 1 hour

Dismantling the Dysfunction: Reinforcing Trust, Confidence, and Accuracy in Records Management

Dismantling the Dysfunction: Reinforcing Trust, Confidence, and Accuracy in Records Management

Physical documents can easily get lost or destroyed without proper storage and tracking. This exposes your organization to expensive risks from inconsistent disposition, over-retention or poor auditing practices.

Furthermore, by law, organizations like yours are often required to retain physical records and make them accessible for on-demand retrieval. Securing and granting access to these items can be a time-consuming, burdensome process. This is especially true if you’ve inherited a disjointed legacy software system, or are still tracking files with Excel spreadsheets.

To help solve these problems, you can leverage solutions that provide management of physical documents while making those records available to search and view digitally. Combining physical tracking with digital integration allows you to locate documents easily while maintaining the integrity of the original items. 

Laserfiche + Gimmal have worked together to integrate our existing digital and physical systems into one seamless solution. Join us on Thursday, November 9 at 10:00 AM PT | 1:00 PM ET to see how this integration works and how your peers have benefitted from streamlining this technology in their own organizations.

During this session, you will learn how to:

  • Digitize and auto-classify in one single/centralized and unified system
  • Improve access and response times when locating vital documents and data  
  • Simplify retention and disposition so that you can defensibly expunge unnecessary records
  • Replicate lessons learned from real-world examples and success stories you can take back and apply to your own records management program
Please join us on demand:
Duration: 1 hour

An Introduction to Process Automation Features

An Introduction to Process Automation Features

Transforming business operations goes beyond digitizing content and managing documents. Important business processes need to be completed in a timely manner, and eliminating the manual processes that slow them down is critical to their success. That’s where process automation comes in. Process automation technology improves operational efficiency by streamlining any business process.

Join us to learn how process automation, as part of an enterprise content management system (ECM), saves organizations time and money, enables staff to complete more strategic, valuable work, and improves the customer experience – no matter the business or industry.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how ECM’s process automation features can help your organization:

  • Reduce manual work and process completion times with automated workflows
  • Speed up operations by capturing and routing information and tasks quickly, easily, and instantly with easy-to-use electronic forms  
  • Gain more visibility into operations and increase the efficiency of cross-functional processes with reporting and analytics
  • Facilitate compliance with automated records retention tools
  • Support collaboration and improve productivity with flexible integration tools
Please join us on demand
Duration: 1 hour

An Introduction to Document Management Features

An Introduction to Document Management Features

An accelerated content management strategy is important in elevating user experience and optimizing costs. Drive digital transformation enterprise-wide through a unified approach to content management, process automation and information governance.

Join this upcoming online session to learn how document management, as part of an enterprise content management (ECM) system, can benefit your organization and streamline operations to establish a foundation for a long-term digital strategy.

In this webinar, we'll discuss how ECM's document management features can help your organization:

  • Reduce manual work by digitally capturing and automatically organizing content into a secure, centralized repository
  • Improve productivity between departments and facilitate digital collaboration   
  • Strengthen regulatory compliance and gain control over retention and disposition cycles with records management tools
  • Keep documents and sensitive information secure through granular access rules
Please join us:
Date: October 10, 2023
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 11:42 a.m. PT (America/Los Angeles)
Duration: 1 hour

Introducción a las funcionalidades de automatización de procesos

Introducción a las funcionalidades de automatización de procesos

Una transformación en los procesos de negocio va mucho más allá de solo digitalizar su contenido y la gestión de documentos. Los procesos importantes necesitan completarse a tiempo y para ello se necesita eliminar las partes manuales de sus procesos que retrasan sus operaciones. Esto es un componente crítico para el éxito empresarial. Aquí es donde se ve el valor de la automatización. La tecnología empleada para la automatización de procesos mejora la eficiencia operacional al optimizar cualquier proceso.

Lo invitamos a explorar como la automatización de procesos juega un rol importante dentro de un sistema de gestión de contenido y puede directamente impactar su inversión de tiempo y recursos. Considere los beneficios en la eficiencia operacional que conlleva la automatización y como esto le permite a su equipo de trabajo enfocarse en las actividades estratégicas de su organización y en el servicio al cliente, sin importar la industria o sector.

En este seminario en línea, compartiremos como las funcionalidades de automatización de procesos en un ECM puede ayudarle a: 

  • Reducir las tareas manuales y el tiempo de procesamiento con flujos de trabajo automatizados
  • Agilizar sus operaciones al capturar y enviar la información relevante rápidamente y con solo un clic con formularios electrónicos fáciles de configurar  
  • Tener visibilidad en las operaciones y aumentar la eficiencia en procesos multifuncionales con las herramientas de informes y analítica 
  • Facilitar el cumplimiento normativo con herramientas para la gestión de archivos
  • Habilitar la colaboración y mejorar la productividad con herramientas flexibles de integración
Por Favor únase a nosotros en:
Fecha: October 17, 2023
Hora: 8:00 a.m. – 8:56 a.m. PT (America/Los Angeles)
Duración: 1 hora



An accelerated content management strategy is important in elevating user experience and optimizing costs. Drive digital transformation enterprise-wide through a unified approach to content management, process automation and information governance.

Join this upcoming online session to learn how document management, as part of an enterprise content management (ECM) system, can benefit your organization and streamline operations to establish a foundation for a long-term digital strategy.

In this webinar, we'll discuss how ECM's document management features can help your organization:

  • Reduce manual work by digitally capturing and automatically organizing content into a secure, centralized repository
  • Improve productivity between departments and facilitate digital collaboration  
  • Strengthen regulatory compliance and gain control over retention and disposition cycles with records management tools
  • Keep documents and sensitive information secure through granular access rules

Please join us on

Date: August 11, 2023
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. PT (America/Los Angeles)
Duration: Type in

Una introducción a las características de la gestión de documentos

Una introducción a las características de la gestión de documentos

Una estrategia acelerada de gestión de contenido es importante para mejorar la experiencia del usuario y optimizar costos. Impulsa la transformación digital en toda la empresa a través de un enfoque unificado en la gestión de contenido, la automatización de procesos y la gobernanza de la información.

Únase a esta próxima sesión en línea para aprender cómo la gestión de documentos, como parte de un sistema de gestión de contenido empresarial (ECM), puede beneficiar a su organización y agilizar las operaciones para establecer una base sólida para una estrategia digital a largo plazo. 

En este seminario en línea, discutiremos cómo las características de la gestión de documentos del ECM pueden ayudar a su organización a:

  • Reducir el trabajo manual capturando digitalmente y organizando automáticamente el contenido en un repositorio seguro y centralizado.
  • Mejorar la productividad entre departamentos y facilitar la colaboración digital.  
  • Fortalecer el cumplimiento normativo y obtener control sobre los ciclos de retención y disposición con herramientas de gestión de archivos.
  • Mantener documentos e información confidencial seguros mediante reglas de acceso granulares.
Please join us:
Date: September 19, 2023
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 8:47 a.m. PT (America/Los Angeles)
Duration: 1 hour