How Adams 12 School District Streamlined Student Records

Contributed by: Adams 12 School District

Adams 12 is the fifth largest school district in Colorado with 5,000 employees and 39,500 students. Since we have roughly 8,500 graduates and withdrawals annually, there are a large number of student records that need archiving. Here is how we use Laserfiche to simplify the student records process.

Student records

At the district office, we keep records of students who have either graduated or withdrawn. We also handle an average of 276 requests for transcripts, employment verifications and immunization verifications a month.

  • After the records arrive at the district office, our records technician goes through each student record and purges any documents that do not need to be retained, such as student photographs. Registrars also assist with this process before sending the documents to the district office.
  • Once the records are organized, our records technician prints a barcode cover sheet for each set of records. These cover sheets are printed from a Microsoft Access database that is regularly updated with data from our Infinite Campus student records system.
  • There are two different barcodes on the sheet. The top one is from our old student records system SASI, and the bottom one from Infinite Campus, which we’ve been using since 2009. These barcodes are our way of identifying in which database the student data is stored.
  • Once the cover sheets are printed, each one is appended to the corresponding documents. We create a batch of about 500 sheets which we run through a multi-purpose scanner (Kofax VRS) and scan directly into Laserfiche.
  • Once all the student record documents have been scanned, they are processed with Laserfiche Quick Fields. We use the Barcode process to read the student number from the barcode. This student number is then used in the Lookup process to gather the information from our student records system and populate the rest of the metadata. This prevents mistakes by reducing manual data entry.
Adams Student Record Documents
Click image to view larger in new window.
  • Finally, we run the OmniPage OCR process in the off hours to best utilize our time and resources.
Adams Omnipage Ocr Process
  • We use Laserfiche Records Management Edition to archive all of our student records.
Adams Laserfiche Records Management Edition
  • Though the records are stored permanently, I set up a retention schedule of “100 years, then review” because it is best to review these records and re-evaluate the retention against the schedule.
Adams Retention Schedule
  • Retrieving a transcript is now as easy as performing a search in Laserfiche on the unique Student Number.

Efficiencies gained

Transitioning from microfilm to Laserfiche has resulted in the following efficiencies:

Repository Design Essentials

Information and data are central and critical assets in every organization. We search for, secure, share, remotely access and archive information daily. A disorganized repository can hinder such operations leading to wasted time, reduced productivity and employee frustration. While most repositories start out clean and organized, as time goes on, they tend to become cluttered.

Here are some signs that your repository may need to be cleaned up:

  • Users start storing documents in the wrong place.
  • Metadata is incorrect or missing.
  • Users can’t find what they need.
  • It takes a long time to train new users on repository conventions.

The following suggestions will help you unclutter your repository and keep it organized.

Folder structure

When designing your folder structure, start with a broad category at the top level and split it into subfolders of more narrow subcategories.

  • Each folder should have only one purpose.
  • Folder names should be clear and abbreviations/codes should be avoided.

  • Folder and document names should be consistent.
    • Standardize your naming with the use of tokens.
    • Automate naming with Quick Fields and Workflow.

Column display

You can easily adjust the columns displayed in the folder view pane.

  • Each folder can have different corresponding columns displayed.
  • Columns should display information that will be useful to the user. Example: Human Resources and Accounting have different business needs. Thus, each has implemented a different column view in their respective folders:

    Human Resources

  • You can also save different column profiles. This enables various users to have different columns displayed for the same folder. Example: Accounting, Engineering and Human Resources each have a different saved column profile for the same folder below.

Template design

Designing templates is as important in maintaining an organized repository as implementing an effective file structure.

  • Make sure to use the correct type for each field. Example: You do not want to use a “Number” type for a field that is labeled “Name.”
  • Apply field constraints.
    • Use regular expressions to specify a format for character and number fields such as phone numbers or social security numbers.
    • Use list and dynamic fields to ensure consistency.
    • Assign default values to fields where this would be beneficial.

    Example: Users often include a date field in their template. Most of the time, the date they wish to include is the current date. It would then make sense to use the %(Date) token as the default value for that field.

  • Reuse fields across multiple templates when possible, to keep things clean and efficient. Example: Create one “First Name” field and then apply it to multiple templates rather than creating a new “First Name” field for each template.
  • Use required fields only when necessary. Using too many of them can significantly slow down scanner operators or compel them to enter bogus data.

Prioritize security

Security should be a prime consideration when designing a repository. Setting up security initially, rather then waiting to do it later, allows for the creation of folders according to user and group roles. Trying to do this later may require changes that invalidate your folder structure and conventions. It also increases the likelihood of inadvertently introducing loopholes.

  • Do not allow users to create documents at the root folder level.
  • Compartmentalize the repository on a “need-to-see” basis. Only give users the minimum right they need to do their jobs. Example: Accounts Payable employees do not need to see the “Accounts Receivable” folders in order to perform their business functions and vice versa.
  • Assign each user a personal folder within which they have full rights to create and delete documents.
  • Make certain types of metadata read-only so that they cannot be modified by unauthorized users.

Automate, automate, automate

In order to consistently keep your repository organized, utilize some of the automation tools provided by Laserfiche.

  • Use Laserfiche Quick Fields to extract relevant information from incoming documents and to standardize the naming and folder structure.
  • Use Laserfiche Workflow to organize existing repositories and keep them organized.

Record Series Setup Utility

Creating and configuring records management objects in the Laserfiche Records Management Edition (RME) can be time consuming. If you are dealing with a few records series at a time, this process won’t take long, but if you have to create a large number of records management objects in one sitting, it will be much faster to do so in a batch. This handy Records Series Setup utility enables you to fill out an Excel spreadsheet with most of your records management requirements and import it into your Laserfiche repository quickly and efficiently.

Where would you use this utility?

This utility is very helpful in the following instances:

  • If you are a brand new user just converting your whole system to Laserfiche RME.
  • If you are an existing user who needs to make many updates to the Laserfiche RME in a short period of time.

What does this utility do?

This utility imports data from a pre-populated Excel file and uses it to create records management items in your Laserfiche repository. Each sheet corresponds to a different records management object and the name of each column in the spreadsheet determines what type of data it contains.

The following records management items can be created with this utility:

  • Location
  • Cycle
  • Cutoff Instruction
  • Retention Schedule
  • Record Series

What does this process look like?

  1. A user selects what records management items to import, as well as the source of the Excel file.
  2. After clicking Import the file gets imported.
    Record Series Setup Utility
  3. Once the import is finished, a message notifies the user of the success or failure of the import process.

This utility logs each import and records successful and unsuccessful actions in a log file that you can access by choosing View Log under File in the utility’s menu bar.

What are the requirements for using this utility?

  • Access to a Laserfiche 8.2 Server or higher, with a Records Management Edition flag in the server license.
  • Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher to be installed on the same machine.
  • Access to an existing Laserfiche 8.2 or higher repository.

This utility must be run by a user with the following credentials:

  • Records Manager privilege
  • Create Folders and Write Metadata Entry Access Rights on and under any existing folder in which the record series are to be created.

What should I keep in mind before using this utility?

You will first need to create an Excel spreadsheet (both “.xls” and “.xlsx” files are compatible) that has been pre-populated using the specifications described in the documentation (log in required).

Some key points about the Excel spreadsheet

  • Every sheet must be named appropriately but your Excel file does not need to contain all possible sheets.
    • Sheets will be processed in the following order:
      1. Location
      2. Cycle
      3. Cutoff Instruction
      4. Retention Schedule
      5. Record Series
    • You can use objects that you defined in one sheet to create objects in the next sheet.
  • Format and name the columns exactly as defined in the documentation. Do not place columns from two different sections in the same sheet.
  • Always enter the column names in the first line of your Excel sheet and the values for each record management object in the lines below the column name.
  • Do not include any completely blank rows as this utility will stop processing the sheet when it encounters a blank row. The documentation describes which columns must be filled out and which are optional.

How do I install this utility?

  • The documentation can be downloaded here.
  • The zip file with the utility can be downloaded here.
  • Run setup.exe to install the utility.

A version of the utility for Laserfiche 8.0/8.1 can be found here.

*A Support Site account is required to download both the documentation and the zip file.*

After installing the utility, a fully-functional sample spreadsheet can be found in the installation directory. Use this spreadsheet to test the utility and confirm you are using the correct syntax and format.

Sample Spreadsheet Laserfiche