What Is Vendor Sprawl? And How You Can Solve It.

As businesses have become more digital, many specialized applications have been developed for all different kinds of services, whether it be for recruiting new employees, providing security for data stores or analyzing data on sales leads.

While the never-ending variety of applications available to businesses can be a boon, this creates the perfect setting for collecting numerous applications or solutions, also known as Vendor Sprawl.

What is vendor sprawl and what is the cause?

In the simplest of terms, vendor sprawl means “my business has too many applications.” Looked at in a more measured way, vendor sprawl is inefficiency, whether financial or technical, that results from having application redundancies (i.e. having more than one application for the same functionality in different departments) or applications that don’t integrate well together (i.e. where information has to be manually retrieved from one system and manually entered into another).

Vendor sprawl has many causes, including:

Siloed departments and agencies

Groups that work together, but have too little knowledge of each other’s processes, can end up using different applications for the same information, making exchanging and maintaining information more difficult.

Piecemeal solutions

Some departments, such as human resources and accounting, may require specialized functionality for their day-to-day business activities. If an organization chooses to use a vast tapestry of specialized applications, instead of a small number of more versatile ones, it may find itself with a vendor sprawl problem where applications are not communicating effectively with one another.

Long-standing legacy systems

Although legacy systems may be familiar to employees, they may become outdated as technology and customer expectations evolve. Organizations that choose to add on additional applications to address these challenges, instead of replacing the legacy application, may find themselves with more applications than they need.

Lack of system updates

Although most cloud and SaaS products provide automatic updates, some desktop applications do not. An organization may end up shopping for additional applications with functionality that a simple update of an existing application would have provided.

What is content sprawl?

Content sprawl is similar to, and much of the time can be attributed to, vendor sprawl. However, instead of an organization having more applications than it needs, it has more data stores than it needs. Of course, managing redundant data storage applications can contribute to both content and vendor sprawl.

What happens when vendor sprawl isn’t addressed?

If you feel your organization may be experiencing vendor sprawl, it is better to address it earlier rather than later. This is because vendor sprawl can create a variety of challenges for your business, including:

Security issues

A large part of information security is limiting the avenues a malicious actor can take in compromising critical data. Vendor or content sprawl can leave multiple locations and/or applications vulnerable to hackers and other threats.

Friction in services

If your organization uses a multitude of applications, and those applications do not communicate smoothly, new inefficiencies arise. Data might need to be manually entered by employees as it’s moved along in a process, which can slow down business activities and result in more opportunities for human error.

Frustration for employees in an already ultra-competitive job market

In a world of remote work, where many job-seekers can pursue opportunities from anywhere in the world, it’s important for organizations to stay competitive as employers. Manual data entry, communication breakdowns and other inefficiencies resulting from vendor sprawl, may frustrate employees and lead them to subsequently jump ship.

How is vendor sprawl addressed?

Once vendor sprawl is identified, it can be difficult to overcome if not addressed properly. Here are a few steps your organization can take to minimize vendor sprawl:

Form a steering committee

The best way to start addressing vendor sprawl is by forming a group of employees with similar goals. Taking on a business challenges as a team can bring in a variety of expertise to the process as well as enable your organization to address issues quickly and efficiently.

Understand organizational needs

The overarching theme of how vendor sprawl scenarios start is an inability of organizations or teams to accurately identify business needs. Be sure to list any current needs in addition to as many future needs as your organization and its teams can reasonably identify. Having a list of needed functionality can help your organization better construct a digital ecosystem that works for everyone.

Address common business needs using existing applications

Once business needs are identified, look at your organization’s existing applications. If there’s an expected business need that an application you already have can address, or can address by being scaled up or updated, that may be the best option.

Additionally, if you’re finding that your digital ecosystem as it stands is not sufficiently meeting business needs, it may be time to reevaluate some core or legacy systems. It’s important to assess systems regularly, and whether they should be replaced with more flexible, scalable applications that can address a wider variety of current and potential future business challenges.

Integrate applications across the enterprise

Even when you use the most versatile applications possible, your organization will very likely have more than one or two applications in its digital ecosystem. In these cases, vendor sprawl can be mitigated with the right integrations that allow applications to exchange information easily. Integrations come in many forms: APIs, native functionality within existing applications, or custom solutions. Additionally, integration platforms as a service (iPaaS), help bring platforms together and ensure that the information they share is in a consistent format.

Don’t forget to iterate and change as technology evolves

One of the best pieces of advice one can give to organizations looking to mitigate vendor sprawl is to not get attached to one particular application or process. To keep pace with changes in the business climate, organizations can update their existing applications, replace them with more robust ones or add additional applications to their digital ecosystem. While adding additional applications may seem simple in the short term, it may be prudent to dig a layer deeper and examine how your existing applications function. The way they work now may be familiar, but a significant update or outright replacement of existing applications could go a long way in mitigating vendor sprawl.

Continue Your Journey

A great way to mitigate vendor sprawl is to have robust applications that can provide a wide range of functionality to meet business needs. With process automation, document management, records management and intelligent content capture capabilities, an enterprise content management (ECM) platform can be a boon for organizations looking for an application to meet most or all of their needs.

Check out the below resources to learn more about how ECM can help your business be more efficient.

Compare top enterprise content management (ECM) vendors on G2

Check out the G2 Grid® for Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and compare top vendors on the market.

Learn how Laserfiche ECM can help you do more, faster

Discover a smarter way to automate your business processes and simplify content management across the enterprise. It’s all in Laserfiche.

See Laserfiche in action

Want to further explore how Laserfiche can help your organization achieve its goals? Schedule a consultation today.

CATIC Makes Processes Up to 90% More Efficient with Laserfiche


• Reliance on manual, paper-heavy processes
• Legacy document management system did not provide intelligent capture, process automation or integration capabilities


• Migrated content to Laserfiche and automated processes including CATICTrac service, records management, claims and compliance
• Saved over $325,000 annually
• Created up to 90% more efficiency in some processes
• Increased capacity without creating the need to hire more staff

CATIC is one of the largest title insurance companies in the United States. The organization has been a trusted resource for policy-issuing attorneys, insured lenders and homebuyers, and other members of the real estate community for over 50 years.

The organization offers a number of services, including underwriting consultation, title information products, legislative and case law reporting, release tracking, flood compliance and more. CATIC’s approach is one of continuous improvement, constantly looking to improve efficiency in operations to maintain its strong reputation for high-quality service.

Using continuous improvement methodologies and the Laserfiche content services platform, CATIC has digitally transformed many of its processes.

Benefits include:

  • Accelerated processing time
  • Cost savings
  • More opportunities for staff to serve real estate professionals and commercial customers

50% more efficient claims processTo date, the organization’s efforts have resulted in cost savings of over $325,000 annually. Additionally, CATIC has seen a nearly 50% increase in efficiency in both customer-facing processes, such as claims, and back-office operations, including records management.

A Vision to Automate and Optimize

Like many organizations, CATIC previously relied on manual, paper-heavy processes. Unsatisfied with the status quo, CATIC Senior Operations Analyst Chris Cooper had a vision to optimize the way the organization managed information. He and his team sought out a platform that would support more efficient, automated processes.

This search led to Laserfiche, which satisfied CATIC’s requirements for a system to centralize content and support information governance — while opening doors to workflow automation, which wasn’t available with the legacy system. Following continuous improvement practices, Cooper saw the opportunity to improve:

  • Efficiency and productivity by simplifying and automating processes
  • Information governance and compliance through automating and standardizing records management practices and procedures
  • Collaboration by giving people frictionless access to the information and processes they need   
  • Customer experience as a result of more responsive services, and reclaiming time from previously manual processes

CATIC partnered with Laserfiche solution provider Accelerated Information Systems (AIS) to implement Laserfiche — starting with migrating content from the organization’s legacy system.

The first workflow the CATIC and AIS teams automated was for the company’s CATICTrac service, which tracks, obtains and records the appropriate documents needed to clear liens. The automated process eliminates the need for clients to submit paper forms, which can be cumbersome, error-prone and lead to delays. Instead, clients submit an electronic Laserfiche form, which automatically routes information to the appropriate personnel for review and approval.

76% more efficient CATICTrac processUsing the Laserfiche-driven solution, CATIC was able to simplify the process from 12 steps down to five and improve efficiency in the process by 76%. Cooper estimates that the CATICTrac workflow alone saves the organization over $84,000 per year.

Enabling Enterprise-Wide Continuous Improvement with Laserfiche

After the initial success with CATICTrac, Cooper and his team expanded the use of Laserfiche into other areas of the business, including records management, claims and compliance.

Digitizing records and automating records management processes was an impactful initiative that had a profound effect across the enterprise. By centralizing content in Laserfiche, CATIC created a robust information backbone for the organization that is searchable and accessible, while maintaining the granular access controls needed to support information governance. When policies are filed, they are now immediately available for processing, rather than the next morning as was with the legacy system.

This also streamlined the policy request process when stakeholders needed to pull policies, for example for finance to recognize revenue; if a claim was ever filed against the policy; or if a modification needed to be made to the policy. Requests to pull policies previously resulted in wait times of around 11 days, which have been shortened to six. The first-time quality of information pulled has also increased by more than 10%. Finally, the entire initiative has simplified activities for stakeholders, who pull an average of 150,000 policies per year.

In claims, the goal was to simplify and standardize the process, cutting down wait and processing times while increasing the quality and capacity for claims. Using Laserfiche, Cooper automated the process and reduced the number of steps to process a claim from 27 down to 11. The processing time for a claim is now 50% more efficient, with a 5% boost in, first time quality. The elimination of paper in the process also saved CATIC over $25,500 per year.

CATIC isn’t stopping there, however, and is currently pursuing an integration between legal management solution CounselLink and Laserfiche that will make the process even more efficient. Today, claims are filed through Laserfiche Forms, which allows claimants to input necessary information and upload supporting documents. Laserfiche then sends the supporting documents to CounselLink. “Phase two is about eliminating keystrokes,” Cooper said. “With the integration, all of the data entry that claimants are putting on the notice of claim form will be pushed into CounselLink, because paralegals are currently rekeying that data.”   

Cooper’s continuous improvement approach has been embraced internally, too, within the compliance department. Each year, employees must acknowledge that have read and agree follow company codes and policies, which is now done through a Laserfiche form.

“We launch this project every year, and every year we make changes,” Cooper said. “This is probably the most picture-perfect example of continuous improvement. Every year it gets more and more efficient.”

The previously paper-driven, manual process would take about 60 days, while today it takes just 15. The Laserfiche form has cut down the amount of time employees need to spend with the document, making it 90% more efficient.

As a result of these systematic improvements, CATIC saves over $325,000 annually, while also supporting information governance and compliance practices and policies and enhancing the customer and employee experience.

Supporting Future Growth

Cooper continues to make updates to existing processes and find new areas to improve efficiency and productivity across the organization. “With new Laserfiche processes, as more work comes in the door, we now have the ability to increase units completed or throughput,” Cooper said. “And the whole industry has moved toward focusing on profitability per unit. So, we’re able to also facilitate growth without having to hire more staff.”

In the works are integrations with financial management and accounting software Sage Intacct that will allow for easier reimbursement requests, and an integration with Microsoft Power BI to create a dashboard for policy issues that agents and senior management can view and address any missing information.

Cooper is also working to use Laserfiche’s robotic process automation capabilities to sync information from an FTP site daily so he doesn’t have to do it manually. “The bot is like a personal assistant,” he added.

“Laserfiche is something I felt that I could be great at, but also could help me to help others be great,” Cooper said. “I see that as a powerful tool. I enjoy making processes better and I feel Laserfiche is the most powerful thing I’ve encountered, where I could achieve my own personal goal of helping others achieve their goals.”

Digitizing Credit Union Member Documentation and Processes to Support Compliance and Faster Service


• A merger with another financial institution sparked a search for a way to digitize all member documentation


• Safely stored member documentation for all current members with improved processes for compliance and audit functions
• Future acquisitions were made much easier; Luminus has since acquired two additional credit unions

The credit union model is based around the needs of members, and providing personalized service that retains and grows the membership base. Recent years have brought on a number of factors — such as economic and technological disruption — that have resulted in major changes to members’ needs and expectations.

Luminus Financial, a credit union headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, with over 6,000 members, has navigated the vicissitudes with its members as its north star. With a membership that expects more digital offerings, the credit union is strategically innovating its operations, incorporating technology and business process automation across the organization.

“Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, we were already planning to lower our physical square footage in Ontario — becoming more virtual is in our roadmap,” said Adam Kirilo, vice president, operations and finance at Luminus Financial. “Laserfiche helps fulfill those needs with backend work and helps staff complete transactions that were historically done in person. We’re doing it much more easily in a more virtual environment today.”

A merger with another financial institution in 2015 sparked the need for an electronic records management system that would digitize all member documentation. Since then, the Luminus team has uncovered new efficiencies from having Laserfiche as its system of record, as well as building multiple automated workflows to support the increasingly virtual environment.

A Central Platform for Member Documentation and Process Automation

“As a credit union, we have lots of documentation for each of our members,” Kirilo said. “A typical long-term member can have upwards of 10,000 pages dedicated to them due to mortgages, loans or new accounts — and each type of document has a different retention obligation. From the get-go, our goal has been to get all of that documentation digitized and easily searchable, to make our staff’s jobs easier and so we can be more efficient in serving our members.”

That vision for digitization extended beyond going paperless, however. The Luminus IT team, working with Laserfiche solution provider Document Direction, also aimed to transform manual processes with Laserfiche — seeking to eliminate cumbersome, repetitive tasks through automation.

Member onboarding was an obvious target, as the process requires:

  • The collection of a lot of information, through many different channels
  • Information to be routed to the member for signature, as well as to different staff for review
  • Member documentation to be stored in a standardized way
  • Activities to be recorded for compliance purposes

In Luminus Financial’s member onboarding solution, credit union employees gather the necessary member information and input it into a Laserfiche form, which is routed to another employee to review before the PDF is sent to the member for signature through DocuSign. The signed document comes back to Luminus and is automatically filed into the organization’s repository as well as into the core banking system.

“Laserfiche has revolutionized our ability to manage documentation and processes,” said Kirilo. “We have uncovered significant new efficiencies and reclaimed time from dealing with inconsistent information and manual processes.”

450 hours saved annually in wire transfersThe new process saves about three hours per onboarding. With an average of 50 new members per month, this adds up to 1,800 staff hours annually.

The team built on this success by automating the wire transfer request process, which has similar requirements.

“Wire transfers — specifically the instructions for them — can be very complicated, because a lot of them come from different countries from around the world,” said Tyler Ferris, manager, accounting and business intelligence at Luminus Financial. “For that reason, our staff collects the documents from the member up front and enters the necessary information into a Laserfiche form.”

Once the form is submitted, a PDF is generated and sent for signature before Laserfiche routes the document through the wire processing department. “Those employees get a Laserfiche Forms task saying that there’s a new wire transfer,” Ferris described. “They are able to see certain details, view the signed form in the repository, and once they process the wire transfer, they get a PDF receipt which they upload to the Laserfiche form. All information is kept together in the repository in the member’s folder, with the relevant metadata applied.”

450 hours saved annually in wire transfersThe team estimates that the organization saves about 450 hours annually with this process alone. These automated processes have not only created a streamlined and standardized experience for staff, but they have also made it easier to flag larger or suspicious transactions with Laserfiche’s reporting features to achieve AML requirements and periodic auditing.

“For wire transfers, for instance, sometimes our compliance team will need to review transfers over a certain dollar threshold,” Ferris said. “They can easily search between specific dates, for amounts or between amounts — all based off the wire transfer metadata.

“Audits are easy to administer for us; we don’t have to move documents to a different system,” he added. “It depends on the audit and who is conducting it, but we can provide a login to a repository that does not contain our members’ personal information, and revoke access when the audit is over. Or we’ve also done audits where we collect all the documents needed in a folder and upload them through a secure portal of a third party as required.”

An Eye Toward an Omnichannel Member Experience

The Luminus Financial team has seen a lot of success optimizing processes across the organization, including completely back-office processes that simply make everyday tasks a lot easier to manage. One such process that which allows board members to vote on motions virtually — a result of in-person board meetings coming to a halt during the pandemic. Executive management members can upload a document, send it out to the board for approval or for a vote, and then each board member can log into Laserfiche Forms and submit their vote.

The process, which used to be done via email, was cumbersome and lacking in standardization. “We wanted to automate it so we’d be able to provide a list every month, make sure motions were approved or voted on, and also put in the minutes for the meeting,” Kirilo said. “Also, the system needed to be able to retain that record in a secure manner, rather than sending it through email.”

The breadth of processes the team has been able to automate is also a testament to the usability of Laserfiche: “It’s very low-code,” Ferris said. “I picked it up very easily. Laserfiche provides great documentation and resources, and it’s easy to learn, especially when you understand how your organization’s data flows and where it needs to go.”

Today, every Luminus employee touches Laserfiche daily in some capacity, including:

  • Front-line staff for member relationship management
  • Management and senior management for policy and procedures and board reporting
  • Branch administration for processing
  • Accounting for accounts payable
  • Human resources for time-off requests and staff records
  • Commercial lending for commercial reviews and approvals
  • Everyone for audit management
  • The board for reports, voting and governance

The team’s digitization and automation efforts have laid a strong foundation for upcoming initiatives. Looking into the future, the credit union aims to create an omnichannel experience for members that continues to deliver high quality services in an efficient matter, no matter what channel through which a member prefers to interact with the organization.

“We have a digital strategy meeting that is probably 75% about Laserfiche and 25% about other systems,” Kirilo said. “We’re always asking, ‘What else can we automate with Laserfiche?’ There is a lot more potential there for our staff and our membership.”

American United FCU automates with Laserfiche

How a $375 million credit union uses Laserfiche to automate the input of documents, including loan applications, new member cards, internal documents and loan documents.

Wealth Management Practice Strengthens Workflow and Information Governance


• Needed more consistency in workflows across geographically dispersed offices
• Addressing compliance requirements involved many manual, time-intensive steps


• Streamlined the new account opening process
• Opened 600 new accounts and brought in $400 million in new assets in 2023
• Modernized records management and workflows reduced the burden of compliance and audits on associates

Rehmann’s wealth management practice must coordinate a lot of moving parts across its offices in Michigan, Ohio and Florida. In addition to advisory services, the firm operates as a broker-dealer, a role which greatly expands its compliance obligations. Coordinating workflows across those services to ensure advisors across branches follow rules around conflicts of interest and suitability is only half the battle. Having documentation readily available to prove compliance adds another layer of complexity.

In Laserfiche Forms, the firm has found a flexible tool capable of streamlining data collection and reporting, as well as shaping the design of workflows in ways that make them less prone to human error and easier to audit. “Our biggest challenge with Laserfiche Forms tends to be keeping up with demand for new ones,” said Amy Flourry, Rehmann Wealth director of operations.

Connecting Processes to Improve Efficiency

The ability to connect information across different parts of the client life cycle has enormous potential to improve processes throughout the business. Digital onboarding became an area of intense focus during the pandemic, when the ability to meet clients face to face became limited. For Marla Masters, strategic business analyst for the Wealth Management team, digitization was just the first step in a journey toward a more streamlined process.

Up to 8,000 employee hours saved per yearIntegrating customer relationship management (CRM) software with other back-end tools has long been the elephant in the room for making onboarding more efficient. The ability to move information from Rehmann’s CRM to its Laserfiche repository was a deciding factor in its recent transition to Salesforce.

“With the old system, our associates had to enter the same information multiple times to get it from the CRM and into Laserfiche,” Masters recalled. “Now, we’re able to use the same data, so when our associates enter information about a lead or a prospect, it’s still available as they transition to a client.”

The ability to automatically populate onboarding forms makes the process faster and easier for associates and clients alike. That streamlining means the firm can make the best impression possible on new clients right away, while giving support staff more time to put toward higher-value tasks. The firm can also use the information it collects to automatically file compliance documents, such as those identifying the beneficial owners of entity clients, yielding further back-office efficiency gains. With these integrations in place, Rehmann opened 600 new accounts and brought in $600 million in new assets in 2023 alone.

In addition to new account opening and onboarding, Rehmann has automated several other processes across the organization, including:

  • Client agreement approvals
  • Trade request and audit process
  • Auto-filing of client documents

Monitoring Processes in Real Time

Compliance is a major concern for broker-dealers. Conducting audits used to be a resource-intensive process that involved harmonizing physical files in multiple locations. If the firm identified a compliance concern, it would then have to go back and fix things after the fact, which could be a complicated process.

Now, using Laserfiche Forms, Rehmann can put guardrails around processes that help the firm identify and fix problems while processes are still ongoing. As a result, many issues can be corrected on the fly, as opposed to having to go back and redo a process from scratch.

An Ongoing Evolution

The firm has also leaned on the expertise of the consultants at CDI, a Laserfiche solution provider that offers training and technical resources to help implement large-scale system changes like the Salesforce transition. This ensures that organizations have the best available tools for their current needs. As a result, Rehmann’s success in building more efficient processes continues to build momentum. The low-code tools and solution templates available for Laserfiche Forms have made it possible for Masters to continue to refine the firm’s tools and processes further to make them more dynamic and user friendly. These solutions have reduced implementation time for new, automated processes from six months to approximately 30 days, freeing up IT resources to focus on strategy, rather than implementation.

In one recent example, Masters reconfigured the firm’s Excel-based trade ticket process to work via Laserfiche Forms. Rather than having to send emails to the right people and collaborate on a spreadsheet, associates can manage trade requests through a form-based system that requests information dynamically, driving an automatic escalation process to ensure trades are compliant and routing forms to the appropriate people for confirmation. At the end, trade tickets are saved automatically to client files.

“Our work technology must keep up with the apps we use every day on our phones. The way we interact with technology in all aspects of our lives has changed, so it’s critical for our office environment to keep up,” said Flourry. “Laserfiche makes it easy to design processes that our people really want to use.”

Scaling Efficiency for Top-Tier White Glove Delivery Services


• Dependence on proprietary software was costly to maintain and lacked scalability
• Needed a flexible solution that would streamline multiple logistics management processes


• Automated processes that enable the company to better track inventory, accelerate delivery and capture damage liability documentation
• Enabled processes to scale with the company’s growth, from handling 10,000 packages per month to 30,000 per month without adding significant numbers of warehouse employees
• Enhanced customer experience

Sometimes freight doesn’t fit neatly into a box or packages need to be placed carefully inside a home or commercial space. Enter white glove delivery services, which require a close partnership with clients to get product to where it needs to go in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner.

“One of the challenges with white glove delivery service is that it is a lot of big product,” said Kent Werner, president director, business development at Kore Logistics, one of Canada’s leading specialized providers of final mile fulfillment and home deliveries. “If you get a big box one day for your sofa sectional and two other boxes come on different days, you’re not happy — people are back in your home and your living room is being upended again. So we prioritize efficiency, and being able to locate, identify and pick all the pieces for an order in a way that allows us to provide the level of service our clients and the end consumers expect.”

Scaling Efficiency for Top-Tier White Glove Delivery Services

This level of tracking requires a lot of moving pieces, data and centralized documentation — and at Kore Logistics, all of this is now managed through Laserfiche and an integration with the company’s dispatching software. Using Laserfiche Forms, automated workflows and a centralized repository, Kore Logistics created processes that supported a threefold increase in capacity; the company grew from handling about 10,000 packages per month to 30,000 packages per month over the course of about a year and was acquired by Canada Cartage in 2021.

The Search for a Multifaceted Solution

Much of the complex journey of non-conveyable freight at Kore Logistics was initially managed by proprietary software that the company had built when it was a much smaller organization.

“We had stretched our proprietary application to its limit,” Werner explained.

The team decided to search for off-the-shelf technology rather than follow the traditional path of building a new custom enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, to prevent another period of stagnation as the organization grew, as well as to avoid ballooning developer costs.

Critical elements that the right technology solution needed to manage included:

  • Tracking products in warehouses
  • Creating pick lists
  • Creating proofs of delivery
  • Streamlining the sharing of data with the company’s dispatching software

“Most off-the-shelf solutions would require us to cobble together two or three different solutions in order to get what we needed,” Werner said. “They also required significant investment in specialized hardware. We knew we had to get away from another custom solution because we needed the flexibility to grow, to scale, to add modules — things that are just not possible with an in-house application.”

The company worked with Laserfiche solution provider Inspiris to implement a Laserfiche system that would address initial needs. This would quickly grow into a more comprehensive solution as Werner and his team uncovered the power of the Laserfiche product suite.

Building on Efficiencies

“For us, the rapid development enabled by Laserfiche supported a quick deployment,” said Jeremy Regehr, owner of Inspiris. “We took a phased direct-to-testing approach and, from there, made continual improvements that continue to this day.”

The first project consisted of enabling Kore Logistics to scan packages into and out of bins when they arrived at a warehouse. Shipping manifests are captured in Laserfiche and employees scan barcodes on items using a barcode scanner or cellphones, so everything can be easily tracked with a simple search in Laserfiche.

The new process has been a game changer for the organization, significantly reducing dock searches, a typically disruptive process that occurs when goods are missing, misplaced or incorrectly labeled. Dock searches require warehouse staff to inspect various areas to find the requested item, as well as checking manifests and other documentation to verify the location of the item and confirming that it is ready for further handling.

“Before Laserfiche, in a busy season, it wasn’t uncommon to have 60-plus dock searches,” said Werner. “Today, during a busy season, the maximum number of dock searches we’d have at any time is probably seven — and that’s with three times the volume.”

Up to 8,000 employee hours saved per year“Before Laserfiche, in a busy season, it wasn’t uncommon to have 60-plus dock searches,” said Werner. “Today, during a busy season, the maximum number of dock searches we’d have at any time is probably seven — and that’s with three times the volume.”

Next came the integration between Laserfiche and Kore Logistics’ dispatch software, DispatchTrack, to improve the process of generating pick lists, which include data such as order details, item information, quantities and location. Employees select packages within Laserfiche that need to be delivered, and that information is sent to DispatchTrack. DispatchTrack then sends truck routing information to Laserfiche, and warehouse employees are able to generate pick lists through a Laserfiche Form.

Pick lists are more efficient than with the legacy process, since employees can generate pick lists based on where items are located in the warehouse, saving hours of time each day.

More recently, Kore Logistics added the ability to import proof of delivery (POD) documents and generate them alongside pick lists, since PODs need to be made available to delivery drivers and vendors. Additionally, warehouse employees can use Laserfiche to take pictures of packages as they are received, in case they are damaged, for instance. These photos are routed to the same location as all of the other package information so that documentation is easy to find in case there are claims or other issues.

“Damaged freight is a big challenge in white glove delivery work,” said Werner. “So us being able to identify it in advance and have it documented helps us to provide better service to our clients.”

A Flexible, Scalable Future

These processes have supported Kore Logistics’ growth while also positioning the company for continuous improvement as team members uncover more opportunities for efficiency. “Our team is at a point where now they’ll ask, ‘Can we change this? Can we automate this?’” said Werner. “Everyone appreciates that we have that flexibility now. We can add something or change a process when we need to.”

Fostering a culture of innovation will be critical for the company into the future, as inflation and supply chain issues put pressure on the logistics industry. “When we started this project pre-COVID, people’s buying habits were very different,” Werner said. “COVID changed everything — different value-adds that allowed for profit disappeared. If we didn’t have tools like Laserfiche to help with efficiencies, we wouldn’t be able to stay competitive. The industry is evolving quickly, and today there’s a magnifying glass on things like freight claims. We’re able to meet those increased needs. Laserfiche allows us to stay current with our customers, and allows us to look into issues and provide them with the visibility and documentation they need to feel supported.”

Laserfiche Integrations

Laserfiche Integrations

Curious about what integrations Laserfiche offers? Confused on which of the many integration offerings you should use in which situation? Join us to answer these questions and learn about the latest and greatest Laserfiche integrations!

We’ll cover: 

  • How to leverage the API and the latest exciting updates
  • Direct integrations like web request rules, Microsoft integrations and more   
  • Leveraging the Laserfiche Marketplace and iPaaS integrations
  • Low-code integration tools like robotic process automation and Connector
Please join us on demand
Duration: 75 minutes

Dismantling the Dysfunction: Reinforcing Trust, Confidence, and Accuracy in Records Management

Dismantling the Dysfunction: Reinforcing Trust, Confidence, and Accuracy in Records Management

Physical documents can easily get lost or destroyed without proper storage and tracking. This exposes your organization to expensive risks from inconsistent disposition, over-retention or poor auditing practices.

Furthermore, by law, organizations like yours are often required to retain physical records and make them accessible for on-demand retrieval. Securing and granting access to these items can be a time-consuming, burdensome process. This is especially true if you’ve inherited a disjointed legacy software system, or are still tracking files with Excel spreadsheets.

To help solve these problems, you can leverage solutions that provide management of physical documents while making those records available to search and view digitally. Combining physical tracking with digital integration allows you to locate documents easily while maintaining the integrity of the original items. 

Laserfiche + Gimmal have worked together to integrate our existing digital and physical systems into one seamless solution. Join us on Thursday, November 9 at 10:00 AM PT | 1:00 PM ET to see how this integration works and how your peers have benefitted from streamlining this technology in their own organizations.

During this session, you will learn how to:

  • Digitize and auto-classify in one single/centralized and unified system
  • Improve access and response times when locating vital documents and data  
  • Simplify retention and disposition so that you can defensibly expunge unnecessary records
  • Replicate lessons learned from real-world examples and success stories you can take back and apply to your own records management program
Please join us on demand:
Duration: 1 hour

AUC Modernizes Records and Processes Campus-wide


• The university needed to retire a legacy document management system
• Content needed to be migrated to a system that offered information management and process automation


• Improved information retrieval time and efficiency
• Automated processes accelerated response times and increased transparency
• Enhanced student, staff and faculty experience

The American University in Cairo (AUC) is a leading English-language, U.S.-accredited institution of higher education. With a diverse community of students, faculty, alumni, trustees and supporters representing more than 60 countries, the university prides itself on being a crossroads for the world’s cultures and a vibrant forum for reasoned argument and spirited debate.

While the university is over 100 years old, it has prioritized offering a modern student experience. Its New Cairo campus features a state-of-the-art facility for advanced research, innovative teaching, lifelong learning and civic engagement. Recently, the university’s technology solutions team set out to modernize technology systems and processes to better align with its students, faculty and staff’s needs and expectations.

“Before Laserfiche, we were facing many challenges in managing a legacy content management system,” said Soumaia Al Ayyat, Ph.D., lead applications development analyst at AUC. “We had an overflow of paper-based documents and student records stored in our warehouse.”

The technology solutions team worked with BMB, a Laserfiche solution provider with locations across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, to implement Laserfiche as a modern way to manage information and automate processes campuswide.

Building a Strong Information Governance Framework

AUC outlined its requirements for a new system for managing content. The technology solutions team had the vision to go beyond traditional document management and implement a full content services platform.

“We were looking for a centralized content management system for improving process automation and enforcing governance rules on the content,” Al Ayyat said. The technology solution team selected Laserfiche for its ease-of-use, flexibility and integration capabilities.

The plan was to migrate content from the legacy system to Laserfiche with documents’ respective template fields, and implement access controls and forms-based audit reports of the legacy system’s actions. The team also embraced Laserfiche’s records management capabilities by applying retention polices on the migrated content as well as new content.

“All departments reported a noticeable improvement in retrieval time and efficiency due to the accompanied metadata and proper access rights,” Al Ayyat said, adding that documents for over 25,000 students were successfully migrated. “We’ve saved a great amount of paper, time and budget with Laserfiche records management.”

Early Adopters: Automating Enrollment and Admissions Processes

Once the team had brought content over from the legacy system, they turned their focus to automation for four different user personas: for students, staff, faculty and external users (such as visitors). One of the most pressing needs was streamlining the admissions process.

“Just before COVID-19, the university was transforming into a paperless and cashless campus,” said Mohamed El Fadly, technology solutions director at AUC. “One of its main goals was to enhance and automate the admissions process, so that students could submit their files online and track their documents at any time.”

Before using Laserfiche, students were required to submit around 10 types of documents — including grades, birth certificates, national IDs, photos, etc. — in physical form.

“The Enrollment and Admissions Office was our early adopter of Laserfiche Forms to automate the admissions checklist process,” El Fadly added. The office launched a Laserfiche form that enabled students to submit documents online and routed the information automatically to admissions and related departments for review, approval and follow-up. Students can track the progress of their applications at any time in the process.

Students can also opt to visit AUC’s Student Service Center to submit documents. For in-person submission, students sign a signature pad, whose system is integrated with the Laserfiche form so that it may be stored in the repository for future reference.

An API integration between Laserfiche and AUC’s student information system, Ellucian Banner, streamlines information sharing and the creation of students’ Laserfiche accounts once accepted.

Since the success of the admissions checklist, AUC has also used Laserfiche Forms for a number of other student-facing processes including:

  • Scholarship checklists
  • Research grants
  • Overload requests
  • Withdrawal requests
  • Leave of absence requests

“Any of these automated processes enable students to submit academic and administrative documents online, receive approval quickly and track their status,” said El Fadly. “We’re able to offer these responsive student services because we’re using Laserfiche as a campus-wide solution.”

Campus-wide Process Automation and Modernization

“Laserfiche’s ease of use and integration capabilities with our core systems like Banner and SAP enable the university to quickly extend its workflow and online forms solution capabilities to other campus departments, including the Registrar office, the Provost office, the security office and the Controller office,” said El Fadly.

For faculty and staff, AUC has automated processes that previously required many manual, repetitive tasks and physical copies, including:

  • Faculty grants
  • Faculty report requests
  • Faculty grade change requests
  • Clearance requests

Visitors to the campus, too, use Laserfiche as part of the visitor request process. Once a request is submitted, Laserfiche generates a QR code with dynamic information extracted from the request form, which is presented at the entrance gates. An integration with the CodeREADr app enables security guards to scan the codes with the app and record check-in and check-out.

“These modern, automated processes have enabled AUC to manage increased information flow without additional burden on students, faculty and staff. Adopting Laserfiche in the Enrollment and Admissions office has led to the migration of over 1 million admissions records and the processing of over 320,000 records in two years, while AUC has also managed over 350 School of Continuing Education petition submission, 1,000 visitor requests and nearly 200 clearance requests in the same amount of time. Additionally, the use of Laserfiche aligns well with AUC’s sustainability goals. “We’ve eliminated the use of millions of paper documents,” Al Ayyat said. “Laserfiche has helped us to achieve our paperless goal and go green.”

Today, the technology solutions team continues to optimize operations and digitize more departments’ content. The team has more than 20 business processes in their queue for automation.

AUC Modernizes Records and Processes Campus-wide“The smart process automation in Laserfiche and its capabilities to design very complex processes facilitated the improvement of AUC’s internal processes and enhanced the student experience,” said Al Ayyat. “Laserfiche provides efficiency via intelligent forms with the proper workflow and the proper repository access rights. The smart reporting and analytics of Laserfiche empower the stakeholders in monitoring and identifying process bottlenecks. Overall, Laserfiche enables us to offer our services more quickly and with greater accessibility.”

How Process Automation Increases Credit Union Member Satisfaction


• Capturing, routing and storing member information was manual and lacked consistency
• Operations needed to scale at a pace that aligned with the credit union’s growth trajectory
• The credit union sought a platform for automation that would integrate with existing tech stack


• All staff now use Laserfiche regularly in a variety of key processes
• Saved hundreds of hours each month
• Alleviated the burden of mergers as the credit union grows

“We address people’s needs and solve problems — it’s what credit unions do,” said Matthew Tingey, senior applications specialist at American United Federal Credit Union (FCU).

The philosophy has powered American United FCU since 1952, driving the organization’s growth to serve more than 26,000 people today. And along with that growth has come transformation, to create a single source of truth for records, integrate core technology systems and enable easier self-service for members.

“I was originally asking questions like, ‘Can I automate this? Can I batch process these things? Where can I take the annoying parts out of this process?’” said Tingey. “But it’s never good enough to solve my own problem. I need to solve problems for everyone in the organization. That’s where Laserfiche came in.”

The credit union now uses Laserfiche as its repository for member information, and the main workflow engine for automated processes across the organization, including finance, member relations, money movement and more, saving hundreds of hours each month and alleviating the burden of mergers as the organization continues to grow.

Centralizing and Standardizing Records Management

Like many growing organizations, American United FCU had information — including member documents, HR employee records, financial records and more — incoming from a multitude of channels, being handled in a variety of ways. Tingey, a dedicated credit union professional who has worked in every department across the organization, recognized a need to standardize archival of documents. At the same time, he saw an opportunity to automate information capture.  

The credit union began using Laserfiche process automation to automate records management activities, routing documents to where they needed to be stored within the repository, with the needed metadata, no matter the source.

“We’ve processed multiple millions of documents through there,” said Tingey. “Employees just need to click, and it gets to where it needs to go.”

American United FCU, supported by Laserfiche solution provider Millennial Vision (MVi), has built out a Laserfiche program that also supports the organization’s total quality management initiative, which aims to improve processes with an eye toward growth and profitability.

“These tools help us do things more efficiently, bridge the gap between some of our other software tools, and let our teams work in better collaboration. They really solve a lot of problems.”

With the initial solution in place, it was time to connect other systems to eliminate human error and make the repetitive tasks around document capture and storage even easier.

“From there, I wanted Laserfiche to talk back to our core [account system] to verify the information being captured,” Tingey said. “Now, it’s not just member documents that we’re processing through the system but applications, loan documents, and other daily work. The process has expanded and grown. It’s the single source of truth, and really the backbone of our process automation.”

Connecting the Dots: Automating Processes Across the Organization

In addition to having Laserfiche verify information from the organization’s core, CUProdigy, the credit union has a number of integrations that support a more seamless everyday work experience for employees.

“We’ve also built a large database of information that we want to track and report on in Microsoft Power BI, and Laserfiche plays a big role in that,” Tingey said, adding that he keeps track of data issues — caused by activities like an employee leaving the organization, for example — through daily reports. “Laserfiche is a big part of managing the data that is used to create those Power BI reports.”

Similarly, Tingey has transformed the way that the organization validates data, identifying potential issues through Forms processes (started by Laserfiche Workflow) that trigger when an issue occurs. These items were previously actively tracked by an employee on a continual basis; today, no one needs to remember to review the reports since processes are triggered in Forms when issues occur — plus, instructions are integrated into the form so that less training and individual knowledge is required to address them.

“More recently, we’ve added some API integrations with the core to this process,” Tingey explained. “We pull information out of CUProdigy to use in Laserfiche Workflow and Forms via database queries. Notes can be pushed back to accounts with a click of a button in a form. A couple of the items that instructed the user to fix an issue can now be resolved automatically via the API without human intervention. These data validations and the automation around them have allowed our QA to be more efficient, effective and consistent.”

One game-changing integration for the credit union was between Laserfiche and DocuSign, which allowed Tingey to automate a common activity for credit unions: member information changes. The legacy process was manually driven and admittedly not very employee- or member-friendly.

The organization has enhanced the overall experience for employees and members by embedding the entire process into Laserfiche Forms:

  • An employee pulls up the member information change form, which auto-populates the member’s information.
  • The employee identifies what needs to be changed.
  • If the member is in-branch, the member uses the signature pad.
  • If the member is not in-branch, Laserfiche interacts with the DocuSign API by sending information from Laserfiche Forms to DocuSign, and then to the member for signature.
  • The employee attaches the signed document to the form and submits it in Laserfiche Forms.
  • Laserfiche automatically routes the information to the relevant teams for review, approval, and task completion.

Similarly, the credit union’s wire transfer process has benefited from Laserfiche Forms and an integration with DocuSign.

“In terms of solutions, I borrow from myself,” Tingey said, explaining that he’s often able to build on successes by taking a process and repurposing it by making tweaks to forms or steps.

The legacy wire transfer process, which involved many manual activities performed by employees, left members and auditors with little visibility into the required steps. The new Laserfiche process, however, gives the credit union the ability to provide helpful context to the member about what they are signing and the wire disclosure via the DocuSign integration.

“Once complete, employees only need to click a button to attach it to the form, and processing of the wire in our core is done via API, with minimal tasks required by the employee,” Tingey said. The form is automatically routed to the necessary employees for review and processing, and all supporting documentation is archived in the Laserfiche repository with standard naming conventions and metadata.

Up to 25 hours saved per month on wire transfer process aloneThe new wire transfer process saves up to 25 hours of staff processing time per month, while also reducing opportunities for human error and increasing staff satisfaction.

“We’ve taken all the annoying little parts out of the process, like downloading a PDF, uploading it to DocuSign, marking fields on it, manually sending it to the member, downloading it again, etc.” said Tingey. “Another benefit is that when the member is prompted for signature, information will pop up to tell them exactly what they’re doing. It will let them know we’re doing a change of information process and here’s that we’re changing, or a wire transfer and here’s our wire disclosure. So instead of just signing something because they’re being asked to sign something, members feel more informed and taken care of.”

Transforming the Member Experience

Since the initial implementation of Laserfiche for process automation, American United FCU has had a lot of success automating back-office activities as well as some member processes that employees handle. Going beyond the back office to positively impact the member experience has always been the ultimate goal, however.

“These automated processes are all increasing member satisfaction,” Tingey said. “Whether our members are in-branch or doing things remotely, they are saving time and don’t have to wait for a teller to manually find all the documents they need to get things done.”

Today, Tingey is focused on transforming the member experience with the launch of a new website, which will feature enhanced self-service features powered by Laserfiche Forms. One such feature is the rewards claim request, which enables members to claim an end-of-year dividend that the credit union offers as a perk for members based on the products and services they’ve used throughout the year. The claim form lists all of the possible products and services that qualify for a reward amount, and the member enters a few details to verify themselves. The form verifies this information against the database to qualify the submission, and a Laserfiche workflow sends an email confirmation, recording all activities into a database so that rewards can be paid out at the end of the year.

Laserfiche digitization and automation projects have supported increased focus on the member experience, even through significant periods of growth for the credit union. Since 2007, the organization has completed 10 mergers, enabling asset growth from about $39 million to just over $370 million (as of April 27, 2023).

While mergers are always a huge undertaking, the process was made less painful with standardized and automated processes in place. “Mergers are very, very large projects — everything gets dumped into a central location, and there’s cleanup and moving things around,” said Tingey. “If it weren’t for the structure from Laserfiche and the tools like Workflows, they would be nearly impossible.”

Laserfiche has become such a vital part of American United FCU’s infrastructure that many employees aren’t able to imagine life without it today.

Up to 8,000 employee hours saved per year“Laserfiche is a cornerstone of our environment. The automation functionalities alone save us thousands of hours annually, but on top of that it helps us in so many ways to gather, process, and document nearly every piece of information that passes through our organization.  There isn’t a single member of our team that doesn’t interact with Laserfiche, and most of them are working with the system throughout the day, every day.”