Digitization Empowers the Arkansas Department of Labor to Better Serve Constituents

2 min read

The Arkansas Department of Labor works to ensure workplace safety for more than 3 million citizens each year, overseeing inspections for everything from elevator operations and amusement park rides to child labor, minimum wage and overtime practices.

Structured information access is critical for the departments’ inspectors to review claims quickly and improve workplace safety standards.

Identifying Inefficiencies

“The biggest challenge that we face is making it easy for the people that we service,” says Ken Anderson, Senior Software Analyst for the department. “We want to be able to efficiently serve them and respond to them quickly.”

With claim documents spread across hundreds of filing cabinets, employees previously spent days trying to find the documents they needed during the inspection process. Wage claims could take up to three months to complete.

The department turned to Laserfiche enterprise content management software to reduce the length of inspections by digitizing the wage claim process and provide instant search and retrieval.

Going Digital for Faster Constituent Service

With Laserfiche, the department created an electronic form which enables anyone to submit a wage claim online. The claim is automatically assigned to an investigator for review and stored in the Laserfiche digital repository. Inspectors in the field access Laserfiche on iPads, enabling them to instantly update the claim with new documentation in real-time. Throughout the process, Laserfiche automatically notifies the submitter of the status of their wage claim.

The new process has expedited the department’s public service and produced significant ROI for the use of taxpayer dollars.

Benefits include:

  • The department can complete wage claims in 36 days instead of 120 days
  • The department saves $60,000 annually on building and storage space for records
  • Investigators receive reports from inspectors in field instantly

“Not only is Laserfiche effective within the agency, but it means so much to the person waiting on that check,” Anderson says. “To be able to get it 70 or 90 days sooner is so important to them.”

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